Return policy


-No refunds are available once two-thirds of the enrollment period has elapsed since registering for a course.

-If the course enrollment period has yet to pass its two-third mark, the website may refund your tuition. Here, the refund amount shall be -based on how many class videos are remaining in the course (videos not yet viewed by the user).

-The course enrollment period refers to the 30-day period of using the class provided to the member for a tuition fee.

-The enrollment period starts from the date payment is rendered by the user.

-Course progress refers to the percentage of videos watched from those made available for the course. If a user views only part of a video, said video shall be considered as already viewed in full.

-If a member downloads the materials or information provided with the course, the video linked to the downloaded materials or information shall be considered as viewed in full.

2.In-person classes

If you are unable to attend a class session due to personal reasons, you may ask to attend a make-up class.

To attend a make-up class, you must notify your instructor on later than a week before the instructor has to purchase flowers and other materials for the make-up class. Once the instructor purchases the flowers and other materials for the upcoming class, you may not ask for or attend the class to make up for the missde session. We apologize for any inconvenience in advance. Refunds are available up to two weeks prior to the start date, after which a 5% refund fee will be charged. No refunds will be available from one day prior to the start date.

Please enroll carefully.

3.Other matters

Any additional days to access class content to users for marketing purposes, special events, etc.(i.e. boonus period) shall not impact our refunding policies. The company may deduct transaction fees, taxes, compliance with the Terms and Conditions and other company policies if a member has violated relevant laws or the Terms and Conditions.

4.Policy amendments

The company may amend this policy in so far as it does not violate related laws such as the "Act on the Regulation." If the company amends this policy, it shall notify members electronically ni later than seven days prior to the effective date, and specify the key amendments aw well as the effective date of the 

amended policy. However, if amendments are deemed unfavorable to members, the company shall inform members no later than 30 days prior to the effective date. Should you have any questions regarding Aulling Atelier's sernices, please contact the customer center(email :



Mail.  |  Tel. 054-475-5246

21-13 Okgyesindang-ro 5-gil, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do  

Biz License. 460-90-00163

Mail order number. 제 2023-경북구미-0608 호 

Privacy   |  Agreement   |  Return policy

AULLING ATELIER  |  DA YOON JEONG  |  Mail.  |  Tel. 054-475-5246

21-13 Okgyesindang-ro 5-gil, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do   |  Biz License. 460-90-00163   |  Mail order number. 제 2023-경북구미-0608 호